Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Jewelry Sales at St. Ann Center

St. Ann Center has become quite well known for its gently used and vintage jewelry sales. How did this happen? In the very beginning when Sr. Edna Lonergan, founder and president of St. Ann Center, conceived of the idea of adult day care the looming question arose, “How are you going to afford to do this?” Sr. Edna decided she would raise the money, even if it was by nickels and dimes. And so, it began with some donated rummage items and weekend rummage sales.

Soon she started asking the community to donate new or gently used and vintage jewelry for resale. And oh boy did the community respond. Each week the sisters would get donations of jewelry. They would sort the jewelry and number it and attach it to special jewelry cards. Before they knew it, they had thousands of donated jewelry items. The sales began to grow and St. Ann Center began outside jewelry sales, taking their goods to off-site venues. It has become very successful.

St. Ann Center holds two yearly on-site jewelry sales, its next used and vintage jewelry sale will be on Saturday, March 6 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. This will be a very special “Soup’er BLOWOUT Jewelry Sale.” There will be literally thousands of items from rings to watches, from earrings to necklaces. There will also be home made soup for eat in or carry out. This is the sale you don’t want to miss.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Music! Music! Music!

He's played gigs in Las Vegas, and now the sounds of his voice and guitar hits the rafters, and gets fingers and toes tapping. Danny Crivello's repertoire of "oldies and goldies" is irresistible for guests and neighbors alike who gather to hear him perform, and yes, sing along every Friday at 10am. Things are rockin' at St. Ann Center for all ages!

The public is welcome to come in out of the weather, get a cup of coffee, hot chocolate or a soda, find a place to sit back in the indoor garden and enjoy some good music.

Music is a natural part of life, and that's true at St. Ann Center where Danny's concerts and music therapy with Leslie Henry, bring out the heart and soul, and get the body moving for better health all around. Some come and "get healthy" at St. Ann Center this Friday and have a ball!

St. Ann Center is a place "for all ages." That's what intergenerational means. Its unique social services blend day care and wellness programs under one roof for children, frail elderly and people with disabilities. Seeing is believing so contact the center for a tour and more information. Call (414) 977-5000.

St. Ann Center "for all ages" is located at 2801 E. Morgan Avenue.