Yolanda calls Mondays her “computer day.” St. Ann Center has a special computer with a touch screen and large keyboard for clients’ fingers that aren’t controlled enough to hit the correct keys. Many of our clients, especially those with physical challenges, really want to use the computer so this special keyboard with large letters makes it easier. In fact, some can’t use their hands at all, so there is a special pointer that can be attached to the head so they can use it on the touch screen.
When Phil comes to “computer day” he likes to send emails to his brother, so Yolanda helps him get the screen set up correctly. Then Phil sets to work writing a message to his brother. Katherine, one of our very special volunteers, likes to type up her “to do list,” so each Monday she and Yolanda sit at the computer together, with Yolanda on one key board Katherine on the other as they type her list. Yolanda is a very special gift to the clients of St. Ann Center, but Yolanda says, “The clients are a very special gift to me.”