Thursday, June 14, 2012

Discovering the Hidden Jewels of St. Ann Center

   We are so thankful for the many volunteers that we have here at St. Ann Center for Intergenerational Care. Without their hard work and dedication, we would not be able to reach those in need of our love and care. Many of our volunteers travel out into the community to raise awareness and spread the reach of our programs and services. Others, like Sister Jeanne d'Arc Omilan, come into the Center to help with the myriad of activities and programs that we offer in-house.
   Sister Jeanne d’Arc has been volunteering for St. Ann for ­­­­14 years, and at 97 years of age, that is no small feat.  After retiring in 1991, she began her second career as a volunteer. She has been putting her time and effort towards helping organizations in the Milwaukee community extend the outreach of their missions and services.  Our center is one of the many recipients blessed by her touch. In addition to helping out with the Jewelry department here at St. Ann Center, she also volunteers with several other Sisters in a local jail outreach.
   In the Jewelry Department here at St. Ann Center, it is the careful eye and the keen attention to detail that she provides as donation intake specialist that allows valuable pieces of jewelry to not go unnoticed. And 100% of the proceeds from the sale of these donations go towards providing the much needed services to our clients who otherwise would not be able to afford them.  This includes baths, therapy, rehabilitation, and integrative counseling services.
   Without Sister Jeanne d’Arc’s faith and commitment to the mission of St. Ann Center, some of these hidden gems would go unnoticed. As she kindly says about St. Ann’s founder and President Sister Edna Lonergan, “She has the vision and we do the work.”

Friday, June 1, 2012

Franciscan Values Alive at St. Ann Center for Intergenerational Care

Franciscan Values alive at SAC

St. Ann Center for Intergenerational Care, and its mission, reflect Franciscan values in meeting the spiritual, psychological, social and physical needs of all who participate regardless of faith, culture or ability to pay.

These values are the foundation upon which the outreach of The Center has grown.

Creating a Caring Community
Respecting each person’s dignity.
Offering hospitality, kindness, and friendship.
Fostering loving relationships.

Showing Compassion

Serving and caring for the poor and oppressed.
Working for justice.
Taking responsible social action.

Reverencing All of Creation
Fostering a simple lifestyle.
Preserving the environment.
Respecting all creatures.

Making Peace
Forgiving others.
Resolving conflicts.
Promoting non-violence.

Courtesy of Sister Mary Jeanne Michels.

Posted by Nicholas Schultz