The Bumblebee's theme for July is "Under the Sea." Each day, they are focusing on something new and exciting from the coral reefs to the many different animals that live in the ocean.

The group had studied jellyfish the day prior to the trip, so the kids were very excited to watch them swim and pointed out the tentacles when they reached the jellyfish tank. At one point while walking through a tunnel in the aquarium Makayla exclaimed,
"It feels like we are swimming with the fishies!"Diana feels that Bumblebee's favorite part of the aquarium visit was the area where they actually could touch sting rays and sturgeon! She laughed hearing Maya, with a huge smile on her face while petting a sting ray, comment,
"It's so squishy!"The class also spent some time on a replica of a giant boat and of course, got their group picture in from of the fish tank.

After lunch there was time to venture over to the technology side of Discovery World. Each kid enjoyed having their picture taken sitting in a bubble chair. On the way out they were fascinated by a bed of nails. 5 of the 10 kids were brave enough to try it out! Everyone was very proud of them because they did so well. Jackson stated,
"It felt like the nails were going to pinch me, but it didn't hurt."Seamus added,
"It tickled!"

Through the entire trip, the Bumblebee class was very well behaved and have a great adventure. When asked what their favorite part was, the unanimous answer was,
"The Fishies!"