Everyone benefits from the Massage Therapy Services at St. Ann Center for Intergenerational Care.
The goal is to nurture and promote good health for the mind, body and spirit. Besides the typical
Massage Therapy services (i.e. therapeutic and relaxation massage, pregnancy massage, infant/child
massage and chair massage), additional therapies are also offered. The newer services consist of Hot
Stone Massage therapy and CranioSacral therapy. These massages are available to the St. Ann Center
Day Care clients, caregivers, volunteers, employees and the community. Four Massage Therapy
professionals provide over 2500 services per year - approximately 225 treatments per month are
provided. People of all ages and abilities are relaxed and rejuvenated. Quality of life is enhanced when
one experiences Wellness through a massage at St. Ann Center.

Another component of the Massage Therapy Services is the Benevolent Touch courses. These 4
hour educational workshops teach caregivers and health care professionals how to give a nurturing,
caring touch to older adults, people with special need - everybody. Each year over 150 people learn
how to enhance the quality of life for their loved ones. In addition, the Benevolent Touch - National
Instructor Certification course certifies health care professionals to teach the BT workshop within the
community and their facility.
For more information about these services, please visit our websites at
www.stanncenter.org/MassageTherapy or
www.stanncenter.org/BenevolentTouch or call 414-977-5056
- Sandy Anderson
Certified Massage Therapist
St. Ann Center for Intergenerational Care
414-977-5056 | sandya@stanncenter.org