An intergenerational music group led by our music therapist, Leslie Henry, was recently being conducted in the adult unit.
Drums were handed out to all adults and mallets to all of the children to play with their adult friends. The music therapist held the drum at an angle on the side of Mark, a man with cerebral palsy. With his fists clenched and arm outstretched he began extending his arm backwards to play while the other adults and children played.
Tommy from the Monarch room sat wide-eyed with his mouth open, studying how Mark hit the drum. He looked puzzled and amazed all the same time. Leslie gently took Tommy’s hand and helped him to begin tapping on the drum. Tommy hesitantly joined in on his own as he began to feel a little more comfortable with this new drummer friend. Together they shared some smiles, laughs, music, and greater understanding of each other.
Written by Leslie Henry, Music Therapist
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