The Buddy Program is a community service of St. Ann Center that reaches out to central city youth between the ages of 12 and 16, aiming to teach them valuable life lessons.
“Youth gain job training, budget training, and have an opportunity to work on social skills,” Tony Phillips, Buddy Program Coordinator, said.
Youth qualify for the program based on their attendance at the Academy of Learning and Leadership, Central City Cyber School, and Fernwood Montessori. Even though the program collaborates with these schools, the program is open to youth throughout Milwaukee. Transportation is a challenge in getting the youth to and from St. Ann’s. “Currently, we only have one 7 passenger van,” Phillips said. The gift will help support transportation.
Through the program, youth spend time at St. Ann Center, learning while interacting with St. Ann clients. “Youths spend two hours a week with St. Ann Center clients, sharing life experiences, playing various games, and helping transport clients to their vans at the end of the day.”
The program is effective in teaching the young people to show respect to all, no matter their age or what kind of challenges they’re facing. Buddy Program participant Cassidie said, “I have learned not to judge someone because of how they look or talk.”
The program is mutually beneficial to the young people and St. Ann’s clients, who benefit from having the youth around because of the assistance and company they provide. “Clients get an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others despite their own challenges.” Phillips said.
Written By: Brandon Lemke and Bianca Constanzo
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