Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A plastic bottle, newspaper and masking tape!

“A plastic bottle, newspaper and masking tape!” said Derek, a summer program participant. “Looks like an airplane to me” said another little boy. “All it needs is some paint” said another. The children in the St. Ann Center summer program are having a fun time being creative and they are also learning a special lesson about recycling.

Stacy Vittal, Adaptive Arts Director & Art Therapist at St. Ann Center had the enterprising idea of creating an art project that would teach the children the power of recycling as well as environmental sustainability. She hoped they would learn how easy and accessible it is to recycle.

When asked about the benefits of the project Stacy said, “The children are learning how to make independent decisions, improve their social skills, build self-esteem and improve interpersonal skills. The also have a chance to improve fine motor skills through art. The benefits are endless.”

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Latin & Native American Cultural Celebration

On Wednesday, August 25, 2010 members of the Latin Tempo Dance Studio entertained clients, staff and friends of St. Ann Center with an amazing musical and dancing spectacle.

Carlos Avila along with his wife Sonya and Latin Tempo dance members Angel, Sabrina and Melissa Lombarto presented authentic Aztec dances that both thrilled and amazed the crowd. Carlos shared stories and interesting facts about Native American culture and dance. They wore traditional "ethnic" Azetc Native American headdress and clothing, adorned with feathers, beads and shells. Please check out the St. Ann Center photo album for fantastic pictures and video of this event.

Leslie Henry, music therapist at St. Ann Center started the festivities off with an exhilarating drum circle. The children, adults, clients and staff pounded and clapped and were amazed by the drums, dancing and celebration. Part of the morning celebration included a demonstration of Latin American style Salsa dancing.
The event was followed by a scrumptious Latin & Native American feast! It was a fun-filled day!

Monday, August 16, 2010

I Scream! You Scream! We All Scream for Ice Cream!

On Monday, August 16 the St. Ann Center Smoothie Bar Crew (pictured left) decided to have a “Ice Cream Party” offering amazing ice cream cones for the low price of only $1.00.

Maggie Cary dedicated volunteer at St. Ann Center runs the smoothie bar with the help of a few of the clients. Maggie said, “It really helps to make the clients feel usual and give them a sense of accomplishment! It is so fun to see how excited they get to serve others!”

Being able to offer the ice cream cones for only $1.00 makes it easy for the clients to buy a cone and enjoy the snack. It’s a perfect summer day treat. Many of the clients, children and staff enjoyed the large ice cream cones. Thanks Maggie and crew!

The St. Ann Center Smoothie Bar is open daily. Everyone can enjoy ice cream cones and delicious smoothies as well as coffee, cappuccino and lattes.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Feast day of St. Clare

This Wednesday, August 11, the Catholic faithful celebrate the feast day of St. Clare of Assisi (Sta. Clara de Asis), the first Franciscan sister, and founder of the Order of Poor Clares, a monastic religious order for women in the Franciscan tradition.

See the attached post

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Meet Oma!

I would like to introduce you to Oma. I am so blessed that I get the opportunity to help Oma. A while ago Oma lost function on the left side of her body so on land she is dependent on a wheelchair. When Oma gets into the 88 degree water at St. Ann Center she is no longer relying on her wheelchair. It is amazing the effect the water has on her body. Oma has proved that even though she cannot use her left side out of the water, she can use her entire body (with some guidance) in the water.

Oma receives a type of physical therapy call Feldenkrais Therapy (not offered at St. Ann Center). This is not your typical therapy, “Feldenkrais is a supportive therapy that accentuates personal awareness of your body’s mobility patterns and its fixed purpose is the assist you to re-learn supplant old habits with more proficient ones”

Oma receives Feldenkrais therapy 3 times a week and we try to take what she learns and use it in the water. Oma would like to walk again some day and with the help of St. Ann Center, Oma’s goal might be achieved.

St. Ann’s Aquatic Center offers a variety of opportunities for all ages, from babies to the elderly. Private swim lessons and group lessons are available as well as water aerobics and open swim. Aquatic Therapy is offered through our Outpatient Rehabilitation department.

Written by Kristen Benetti