Friday, July 29, 2011

African Dance comes to St. Ann Center

This week a very inspirational dance group came to St. Ann Center to entertain and share their talents with the clients, kids and staff!

The DanceCircus and Xalaat Africa Drum and Dance for Life dance groups is an dance corp that trains junior and senior high school students in modern and African dance and modern and African drumming. For two weeks during the summer the group performs for Boys & Girls Clubs, senior centers, care centers and community sites.

We were very fortunate to have the opportunity to experience their wonderful dancing and drumming skills. Everyone was entertained and had so much fun! The little kids were just dancing in their seats and waving their hands in the air. The clients were trying to clap along to the beat of the drums and the staff was cheering! Some of the St. Ann Center kids were asking how they can get involved in this wonderful group.

For more information about Dance Circus check out their website at
Check out the dancing on Youtube

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Taking steps to prevent memory loss

Study hopes to prove exercise could help many

e-mail print By Kelly Hogan of the Journal Sentinel

July 25, 2011
Long before Alzheimer's disease is diagnosed - before it robs one of language, judgment and temperament - a person capable of normal daily activities starts to have trouble remembering things.

This early form of memory loss is considered a harbinger of Alzheimer's disease, which affects upward of 5.1 million people in the United States.

Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee are studying whether exercise can stall this form of memory loss - called amnestic mild cognitive impairment, or aMCI - and stave off the progression of Alzheimer's disease.  Follow this link to read more!