Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Blessed by their daily presence...

St. Ann Center for Intergenerational Care is one of eleven Corporate Ministries sponsored by the Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi (OSF). OSF corporate ministries currently serve the underserved in communities in four states, providing critical services to those living with special needs, especially those who are young, frail, or challenged with disabilities.

To learn more about OSF's Corporate Ministries, go to http://www.lakeosfs.org/.
Even though each ministry is separately incorporated, all eleven corporate ministries sponsored by the Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi are united by the Franciscan values: Creating a caring community, Sharing compassion for others, Reverence for creation, and Peacemaking.

We will share more about these values in future blogs, but suffice it to say here that these values reflect our commitment to live and create community together through being with those in need.
So we here, at St. Ann Center for Intergenerational Care, are not only employees and volunteers of St. Ann Center – we are also responsible for continuing the ministry originally founded by the Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi and carrying out their mission and values. 

As an OSF corporate ministry, St. Ann Center is very blessed by the daily presence of many Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi who work and volunteer daily at the center. Our upcoming Fall Seasons of Life newsletter features profiles on the many Sisters that give their time and positivity to promote peace, justice, and the fulfillment of the mission and purpose of St. Ann Center.

Together, all of us at St. Ann Center for Intergenerational Care are responsible for creating a caring community that bridges the age gap and provides innovative programs to those in need and who might otherwise not receive our love and care.