For those who are not aware of it, Shepherd house has some very good news! We will be moving from our home in the convent on South Lake Drive, to our new home in the main building on Morgan Avenue. Our new house will be in what has been known as the Therapy Treatment Clinic. Our clients will have easier access to the swimming pool, art program, hair and nail salon, therapy department, and many other activities that take place at the main center. Many people are sacrificing their time and space to make this happen. And the therapy department is graciously adjusting their treatment space so that this move is possible. Our buildings and grounds department has been working very hard on getting the new addition for this area of the center remodeled and completed. Our move took place in the middle of December since the new construction went very well. Caregivers and transit companies have been informed about all these changes too. Suddenly, the new chapter in the history of
Shepherd House–one that we looked forward to for so long–has become a reality!
– Marcia L. Hochstetter, Vice President of Shepherd House
This article is reprinted from the
St. Ann Center Agency 'Seasons of Life' Newsletter.
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