Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A heart warming site on a cold winter day!

Mornings can be crazy in the lobby at St. Ann Center – people coming and going, staff coming in for the day, clients arriving on buses, caregivers dropping off their loved ones, parents dropping off their sometimes crying children, housekeeping trying to keep the floors clean and dry in these wet winter months.

As I watched the clients arrive I was humbled as I usually am by the amount of care and concern the staff shows to each and every person that arrives through the front door. One arrival in particular caught my attention - Marta a woman in her 20’s. She was seated in her wheelchair bundled from head to toe with hat and scarf, large winter coat and blanket on her legs. Marta can’t speak but she has the most infectious smile. Today, as she’s greeted with a friendly “good morning” her nose is running from the cold. The caregiver who greeted Marta sees her and says “Oh honey, let’s wipe your nose, that must be uncomfortable,” and she gently wipes Marta’s nose. Marta returned the favor with one of her beautiful smiles.

Marta is unable to wipe her own nose, she’s unable to dress herself, she’s unable to feed herself, and she’s unable to go to the bathroom by herself. These are all the things that the staff at St. Ann Center provides for her along with loving companionship. It really was a very heart warming sight to see!

1 comment:

  1. This is truly an amazing site! I also see it in the morning and am glad to say my grandma will be starting here next week and am comforted knowing the kind of care she will recieve.
